Tuesday, July 24, 2012


LockFale has an interesting easter egg here, type the Konami Code on the landing page for a scary surprise!


Google has numerous amounts of easter eggs on its' website, with many more to come. A couple of easy ones are typing any of the following into the search bar. "Tilt", "Do a Barrel Roll" and "Zerg Rush". You might have heard of these before, but here's something fairly new try typing "Conway's Game of Life". Enjoy!

Are you over 21?

Black Acre Brewing is a website that asks you if you're over the age of 21 or not. When prompted to click on an answer, click on "I am under 21" and enjoy.

Mmmm... Bacon.

Reddit is a social news website that has an insane amount of users and people visiting and talking about all the things you can possibly think of. You can submit your own links and posts to various sub-sections of the website. If you happen to browse this website while using the Reddit Enhancement Suite plugin, enter the Konami Code to have bacon flying around the screen!

The All Time Famous Konami Code

The Konami Code (Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Enter) is a cheat code that was introduced in 1986 with the game Gradius. But this cheat code really picked up steam when North American gamers used it for Contra for 30 lives. Now a lot of websites now feature this Konami Code to access their easter eggs, try it out on your favorite websites, and possibly you can access something you've never would have known!

Full Sail University Glitter Unicorn Easter Egg

If you head on over to the Full Sail University website, and enter the famous Konami Code (Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Enter) you can summon all of the shiny cute things as you desire!

Youtube Easter Egg

While your YouTube video is buffering, you can click the down arrow to play classic snake. If your connection is too fast for you to actually buffer videos, click on any point of time on the video and click the down arrow to start your game.